I’m Linda Ugelow,
author, speaker, TV host, and speaking empowerment coach.
I work with amazing people like you who have a dream to make an impact in the world. And ready to step into a whole new sphere of influence and leadership to make it happen.
The only problem is you hesitate, procrastinate; there’s a part of you that doesn’t want to be seen.
You really want to let the leader in you step out. If only you could get over the anxiety that arises when you look out at your audience or into the camera lens. If only you could control your racing heart and keep away the brain freeze.
You can feel comfortable, confident, and natural when all eyes are on you.
I’ll help you get there.

I believe that everyone was born with the ability to freely express themselves. After all, as little kids, we thrived on attention.
So what happened between then and now?
The fear and stress we get when putting ourselves “out there” is not just some random emotion floating around in your head.
If you feel stress and anxiety, it’s because somewhere along the line, you got the message, you had experiences that told you it wasn’t ok to be as you were – that it wasn’t safe to be seen.
That stuff happens. A lot. It did for me.
Happily, this can be overcome. And with the Speakers Breakthrough Process, it’s not as hard as you would think.
I help you remove the blocks that keep you from expressing yourself freely so you can expand your visibility, build your clientele and make the impact you dream of.
As a performer of over 35 years and with a master’s degree in expressive therapies and movement studies, I’ve been helping people get comfortable in their skin for decades.
But even though I’ve been dancing and making music on the stage for those many years, public speaking was always terrifying for me, until I figured out a way to get over it once and for all.
Once over the fear, I could build my craft, find the fun and spread my wings.

Now, I help new and seasoned speakers delight in the limelight.

My book Delight in the Limelight is out!
You can get your copy or download a free chapter here!
Delight in the Limelight is a journey of reclaiming the confident free self-expression that you dream of when you speak, whether that’s on stage or on camera or in the meeting room.
Reveal and heal those experiences and messages from the past that created the belief that it wasn’t safe to be seen and heard.
Restore safety by transforming the negative inner dialog so you are completely aligned to support yourself from the inside out and outside in.
Repattern your habits by swapping out the old ways of holding tension, using your voice and expressing yourself with new ways that are aligned with how you want to feel, be seen, and heard.
I work with entrepreneurs to love their on-camera presence so they can spread their message far and wide.
I work with authors and experts to stand on the stage delighted to be with their audience after a lifetime of dread.
I work with execs and corporate leaders to feel competent and confident when they speak in a way that’s fitting to their position.
Feeling fully free to express yourself is crucial to fulfilling your potential, expanding your sphere of influence and building out your business or thought leadership in today’s world.
If you hold yourself back from speaking or enjoying it, you’ll not be able to make the impact you dream of.
My “Aha” came in 2015 with a phone app called Periscope. Periscope, one of the first live streaming apps, allowed you to do live broadcasts like a TV show. You just typed in the title of your topic, pressed “broadcast,” and people flooded in from all over the world to watch.
I was eager to build my following and committed to broadcasting every single day.
But just jotting down my talking points for each day’s broadcast made my heart pound hard in my chest… It was scary!
So I googled how to deal with my nerves. I told myself, it’s not about me, it’s about my audience. I told myself that my fear was fuel to get energized.
Every day, I tried something new. Meditations, affirmations, jumping jacks, power poses — you name it, I tried it. I was convinced that if I kept at it, I’d get over the hump.
Day 75 came and I realized, my heart was still pounding!
You’d think after 10 weeks of broadcasting daily, I’d feel somewhat more confident. But I didn’t.
Practice was not the panacea for fear I’d hoped it would be!
Yes, managing the fear got me through it, but the anxiety was still there waiting for me, needing to be dealt with each and every day.
I hated this feeling of fear. Could I get rid of it?
Turns out I could. And I can help you do the same. And not in a temporary way but with a deep, lasting, personal transformation.
Ready to delight in the limelight?
10 Fun Facts about Me
I speak conversational Hungarian.
I ran an organic farm that supplied local restaurants with specialty greens and edible flowers.
In my 20’s I spent a year traveling on my own around the world visiting 13 countries including Nepal, Burma and Norway.
I have a master’s degree in Expressive Therapy and Movement Studies.
I raised chickens in my front yard.
Did I mention we kept bees?
I studied fashion design and sold a line of hand-painted clothing across from Harvard Yard, in Cambridge, MA.
In 1982 I had my own dance company. We were only around for a season but we had a BLAST.
I spent 10 enchanted years unschooling my daughter.
I’m the principal dancer and choreographer with the world music ensemble, Libana, and I’ve been with them for almost 4 decades!! Performing in Morocco, India, Bulgaria and countless cities across the US. Now I love to introduce songs on stage which I used to hate to do.