From My Mind to Yours
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Meaningful conversation starters as a tool for speaking practice
As the year draws to a close, I'd like to set you a challenge. Should you choose to accept this challenge, you'll have the chance to both improve...
Stop “managing” your speaking anxiety
Tell me - how many times have you come across this advice? “Feel the fear and do it anyway?” It comes packaged in a variety of ways - reframe your...
Why are you scared of public speaking?
Speaking is our human design. As a species, we’ve been communicating with our voices for somewhere between twenty thousand and two million years....
6 tips for speaking on panels with confidence
As you become known as an expert in your industry, you might start being invited to speak on panels at industry conferences and events. Some people...
What to do when your presentation goes wrong
Have you ever made a mistake while you were speaking? Or forgotten to mention something you really, really wanted to say? Or perhaps you haven’t...
6 fun ways to practice your speech or presentation
When it comes to public speaking, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is not practicing your presentation enough beforehand. It's easy to fall...
How to stop feeling self-conscious & like the way you look
There's nothing quite like seeing yourself on camera to bring out your inner critic. It's almost a given that you'll shudder at the sight of...
How to get comfortable in front of a video camera
In 2015, I was a new coach looking for ways to get the word out about my business. There was a new app called Periscope that was blowing up, and I...
The Only Way to Stop Being Your Own Worst Camera Critic
Many people are uncomfortable on camera because they worry about what other people will think of them. But most of the time it’s not other people...
Overcoming the need for external validation as a speaker
I learned how to please other people at a very early age. It didn’t take long for this "ability’"of mine to turn into a deep need for external...
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Linda Ugelow
Author, speaker, podcast host, and speaking confidence coach.
Helping business owners, authors, and corporate leaders to go from dread to delight in the limelight!