From My Mind to Yours
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Be the Speaker Nobody Tunes Out
You and I both know how difficult it can be to listen to a speaker who has one dynamic in their speaking style. —The person who’s constantly at 11,...
How to Keep from Running Out of Breath when you Speak
Why do I run out of breath when I speak? Has it ever happened to you, running out of breath when you speak? If there’s one thing you need any time...
4 Steps to Gaining Visibility (So You Can Change the World)
We live in exciting times. Huge opportunities and challenges seem to come up every day, and we each have so much expertise, wisdom, talent, and help...
7 Natural Remedies and Tricks to Save Your Speech from a Hacking Cough
Your upcoming week is full of speaking engagements--a podcast, a livestream, some scheduled videos and a talk at a local women’s business...
When You’ve got to Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
arlier, I wrote an article about why confronting your fears head-on isn’t always a good option. Now, in response to my earlier...
When You Shouldn’t Just Push Past Your Fears
It’s often suggested that pushing away your fears — feel your fear and do it anyway — is the right way to step out of your comfort zone. Ignoring...
47 Speakers Share Their Expert Advice on Overcoming Nervousness in Front of a Crowd
Does the idea of getting up on stage to share your message excite you? Do you have images of taking the stage by storm, moving millions to take...
Record Your Video In One Take? Here’s Why I’m Breaking The Rules
“Something has changed within me, something is not the same. I’m through with playing by the rules of someone else’s game.” --Elphaba, from the play...
3 Reasons Why Pushing Past Stage Fright Could Be Bad Advice
“Feel the fear and do it anyway.” It sounds great. Heroic. When terror grips you by the throat, stand up and face it, ready to fight....
The Approval Trap
hen my daughter was 2 years old, she loved to draw. The funny thing is, she never asked me if it was okay to draw on the walls....
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Linda Ugelow
Author, speaker, podcast host, and speaking confidence coach.
Helping business owners, authors, and corporate leaders to go from dread to delight in the limelight!