A masterclass for healing regretful
speaking experiences & vulnerability hangovers
Ever wish a presentation went differently?
Maybe you said something you wish you didn’t or didn’t say or do something you wish you did.
Maybe you weren’t prepared or didn’t handle the situation as you would have liked.
You’ve tried to forget it, to let go and move on, but it won’t go away.
That remorse sticks with you!
Let’s clear it away so that it no longer hangs over you.
So you feel unburdened, light, and free.
Throw Off Your Speaking Remorse
A masterclass to heal your vulnerability hangover.

I offer this program because I believe that left unresolved, these experiences can drain your energy and add to the dread or resistance you may have when you stand in the spotlight. I don’t want that to happen to you. I want you to shine, make an impact, and have fun!
Standing in the spotlight requires you to be as fully present as you can be. It takes a lot to stay on top of what you want to say and to connect with your audience. You don’t need any doubts and worries from past experiences to intrude into your brain and throw you off.
You’ll feel released from the burden of the past so that you can delight in the limelight!
What’s included?
A Step-by-Step process that you can rinse and repeat.
Who is this for and not for?
- This is for you if you speak online or live in person and you have remorse, regret, or a vulnerability hangover. Because if you could do it on your own, you would have already taken care of it.
- This is not for you if your experience no longer bothers you, or if you have social anxiety and every conversation is troubled. In the case of the latter, I recommend you check out Clear Your Fear of Speaking.
Hey! I’m Linda Ugelow!
I am a speaking confidence coach. My Inner Freedom Framework has helped scores of entrepreneurs, execs, experts, and authors to overcome their anxiety when speaking and to find the fun. I developed this holistic program based on my background in Psychology, Expressive Art Therapy, and Movement Studies.
I’m the author of Delight In The Limelight: Overcome your fear of being seen and realize your dreams where you can hear stories and learn processes like this one to make speaking one of the best things you get to do!
© Linda Ugelow 2025