You have something to say…
Remove the anxiety that stands in the way.
7 Preparation Rituals To Reduce Anxiety Before You Speak
Download the mindset and embodiment shifts that I use to get clear-headed, grounded and fully present to speak
Do you get nervous when you turn the camera on?
Does your heart start to race when it’s your turn to speak in a meeting?
No matter how far the audience is from the stage, are you afraid everyone will hear your heart pounding?
Or see your hands shake? Or do you worry your mind will go blank?
Imagine showing up to all your presentations feeling confident, calm, and comfortable when you speak.

Speaking effectively and articulately about what you have to say. No longer concerned with whether you are good enough, expert enough, how you look and sound, and being in the limelight.
You feel like a new person doing things you wouldn’t have had the courage to do before, like making videos or speaking to a crowd.
Like it’s no big deal!
Staying in balance when you feel put on the spot. Discovering yourself to be more playful and fun, and naturally you.
Finally getting out there and being seen by others as a thought leader in your field. Making the impact in the world that you’ve always wanted to make.
Welcome to Delight in the Limelight: Overcome Your Fear of Being Seen and Realize Your Dreams
And discover the Inner Freedom Framework
that takes you from anxiety to a place of free self-expression.

Reveal & Heal
Identify those experiences and messages from the past that created the belief that it wasn’t safe to be seen and heard and clear them away.
Restore Safety
Transform the negative inner dialog so you are completely aligned to support yourself from the inside out.
Repattern Your Habits
Replace the patterns of tension and anxiety with holistic confidence and ease, in your thinking, your body, your emotions and spirit.
Working with Linda Ugelow was a life-changing experience.
After a few sessions with Linda, I feel like a new person—doing things I would have never had the courage before to do.
I feel like I have truly overcome a lifelong barrier thanks to our work together.
The dread I used to feel before speaking engagements is now completely gone.
Get your Speaker Empowerment Kit
The CenterStage Confidence Meditation
Your Relaxed Presence on Camera Visualization
3 mental rehearsals for the most common places you speak.

“I am a frequent paid speaker but still experienced fairly significant stage fright before getting on stage, particularly when I was presenting new material. Linda helped uncover the roots of my fear and gave me techniques to move past them. The dread I used to feel before speaking engagements is now completely gone.“
Tamsen Webster
Keynote Business Speaker & Presentation Strategist

I’m Linda Ugelow,
(pronounced YOU-guh-low)
I created The Inner Freedom Framework from the experience of dealing with my own fear. Although I have been a performer in a Women’s World Music Group for decades, I was always anxious around speaking, until I discovered a way to get rid of it once and for all combining the tools gathered over my lifetime:
- 40 years performing music and dance worldwide with the women’s world music group
- B.S in Psychology
- Master’s Degree from Lesley University Expressive Therapies department focus on Movement Studies – Authentic Movement, Body-Mind Centering
- 25 years of designing transformational experiences to help people get comfortable in their skin.
- Training in Gateless Writing, to create a transformational process that is creative, effective, and fun.
That’s what I now teach and wrote about in my book, Delight In The Limelight. Click here to order and learn more.
I become deeply invested in each person I work with, cheering you on and guiding you to stay focused on what you are here to individually achieve.
Delight in the limelight
Linda Ugelow’s book is a jewel!
Humorous, sensitive, insightful, encouraging, refreshingly honest and full of wonderfully practical tools!
The discovery of this book was a great stroke of luck that makes my life richer!
Christin Kunzmann
Ready for your time in the limelight?
Overcome your fear of speaking and be unapologetically you onstage or on camera.