005. The Inner Freedom Framework for Speaking Confidence The Inner Freedom Framework provides a roadmap to being a grounded, present, and confident speaker with authentic style. It involves clearing away the stuff that keeps you from being present, in you mind, body,...
004. Limiting Beliefs Behind the Fear of Speaking I discuss the concept of “Set Point” as described in The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. There are four types of limiting beliefs according to Hendricks: not being good enough, feeling like a burden, feeling it’s not safe...
003. Psychic Clutter Under the Fear of Speaking Psychic clutter refers to experiences and beliefs stored in our subconscious mind that impact our experience in the limelight without our awareness. The four types of psychic clutter are past experiences, meaning we’ve...
002. Scary Speaking Experiences and their Root Cause In today’s episode, I share my own personal experiences of awful and scary public speaking and what led me to discover the key to overcome the fear 25 years later. I recall a time when I couldn’t utter a...
001. Busting Myths about the Fear of Speaking There’s a lot of well-intentioned advice out there about the fear of speaking: “Feel the fear and do it anyway. Just do it, Ignore the fear, don’t let it hold you back.” Explore the impact of limiting beliefs on speaking...
000. Delight in the Limelight Trailer Do you dread speaking in public? Would you love to LOVE the limelight? Join me each week, beginning February 14th, 2023, for processes and expert tips to overcome the anxiety and free up your self-expression. My goal is to excite,...