Four Steps to Releasing the Fear of Public Speaking

Why do people think it’s a good idea to push through their fear of public speaking?

Would you force yourself to do 25 pushups if you had shoulder pain? I don’t think so. You would stop and investigate what was going on.

It’s the same with the fear of speaking. It’s not an annoyance to ignore. It’s a call for attention to investigate why it’s there and get to the root cause.

If you think about it, the message of fear is that you don’t feel safe. This is the language of the inner child. And the inner child is asking to be seen and heard, understood and healed.

When my clients take the time for this personal development, for this inner work and healing, their fear of speaking disappears.

How cool is that?

That’s because the fear was a trigger from past experiences and messages. And when those experiences are resolved, there is nothing to be triggered.

I call my system the 4 Rs for releasing fear. Here’s how it’s done.

1. Review

You gotta have a look around your experiences from your schooling and family. Ever had a mean teacher? Felt pressured to perform or do better? Felt like you were less than, too much or never enough? Shamed or belittled, bullied, ignored, etc, etc.

2. Resolve

It’s not enough to know what happened, once you identify what the biggies were, it’s time to heal them. There are lots of healing modalities out there. I love using EFT, hypnosis/creative visualization, dance, journaling, forgiveness, and cord-cutting.

3. Repattern

You have to replace the old ways of being with new ones. Trade the old ways of holding back for grooving in new neural pathways for ease and relaxation, strength and confidence. Playfulness and free expression.

4. Restore

Time to restore a sense of safety, inside and out. If you are bullying yourself with mean self-talk, you’re not going to feel safe in front of others. It also means finding an environment that is so loving, so uplifting and positive that you can’t wait for your turn to speak.

A lot of people resist doing inner work because they think it will take a long time. What takes a long time is trying to get rid of the fear without addressing it. We’re talking years. If it ever fully leaves.

My clients are free of their speaking fear in a few months (or a matter of days if they come to a retreat intensive.)

If you’d like to have similar results for yourself, here’s my offer:

It’s a three-month intensive where I work with you 1:1 to uncover your unique stories, messages, and experiences that tie you to your speaking fear. I guide you to heal what we find. I help you to restore a sense of safety within yourself so that your inner voice is truly in alignment with your dreams and desires. I’ll show you how to pattern in the feelings that you want when you speak, like confidence and ease.

This is perfect for you if you have a speaking gig coming up and you feel anxious already.

This is also for you if you’ve avoided the spotlight forever but are oh-so-done with that and just want the freedom on the other side so you can take your business and expertise to the next level.

You are dedicated to your personal development and spiritual growth and expanding into your full potential is part of your life’s mission.

Just get in touch with me if you are interested in this offer. We’ll have a quick chat to see if you’re a fit and if so, enrollment is fast and easy. You can start working on your first assignment the very same day and our first call scheduled within a week.

Can’t wait to chat with you!

Linda Ugelow

Linda Ugelow

Author, speaker, podcast host, and speaking confidence coach.

Helping business owners, authors, and corporate leaders to go from dread to delight in the limelight!

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