047. Impact without Burnout for Speaking Ease

Do you ever wish you could approach speaking with ease and confidence instead of stress and anxiety?

In this episode of the Delight in the Limelight podcast, I speak with psychology expert and host of the MINDSET ZONE podcast, Ana Melikian. Listen to our conversation to learn how to:

  • Recognize your limiting beliefs and cultivate a growth mindset
  • Harness the power of mindset to unlock your full potential as a speaker
  • Reframe your anxiety and respond to stress instead of reacting to it

This is a conversation for speakers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders who want to communicate with greater ease and presence.

Listen to the Podcast Here

Watch The Podcast Here

Connect with Ana

Ana Melikian, Ph.D., is a speaker, author, and host of the MINDSET ZONE, one of the top 1% most popular podcasts globally. Ana is on a mission to support purpose-driven leaders and organizations to increase their impact and results while avoiding burnout and being over-extended!


Connect with Linda

Credits – Music: “A Smooth Jazz” by Music Cocktail

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Linda Ugelow

Linda Ugelow

Author, speaker, podcast host, and speaking confidence coach.

Helping business owners, authors, and corporate leaders to go from dread to delight in the limelight!

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"I just love Linda’s fresh take on fear and speaking."
Jan Sugar
"I love podcasts like this - lots of valuable tips and content packed into short and efficient episodes."


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