Winter Warm and Ease

A Case for Bundling up in Winter


In my classes and coaching sessions, when I ask people what ease feels like, I get answers like “free, open, flowing, relaxed, calm, a tropical island, no heavy clothes, not contracted”.

“Not contracted”.  That has a lot of meaning for me now with the temperature in the low digits.  It’s cold out there and it’s so easy to let my body go into contraction without noticing.  Brr.  In the house too.


What happens when we are cold?  We hold our body in, tighten our neck and shoulder muscles to maintain our core temperature, and unless we are physically active, we become rigid and tense.  It’s actually a lot of work to be tense and can result in sore and achy muscles.  Plus, when the body is working on the level of survival, in the area of automatic reflexes such as keeping warm, this survival mode overshadows the feelings of open and free.

Does that mean that we are doomed to forego ease in the cold winter?

Now I want to acknowledge that there are, for sure, those people who revel in the cold temperatures, who will ski in a light jacket or jump in the ocean on new year’s day.  I don’t happen to be one of them.  But I have my strategies for living with ease when my environment is cold.  Here are my top six.

  1. stay close to a heater or stove
  2. cover your legs with a blanket
  3. dress in layers (including slippers and a hat)-  shed them as needed and keep handy to put back on
  4. drink tea, eat hot soup
  5. Be active- jumping on a trampoline, put on music.  Time yourself how long it takes you to feel warm throughout your body
  6. Slightly over dress when you go outside, put on your hat, mittens,  and scarf.  Make sure you are warm enough so you can relax your shoulders and chest.

Ease is a kind of warmth in the body.  Take the time to cover up, even if you are going from the car into the store.  All bundled and cozy inside your layers, you can saunter free and easy, take your time, and enjoy the view.  You don’t have to tough it out.

If you have your own favorite strategy for feeling at ease in your body in the winter, please share it below.

Stay warm and easeful!




Linda Ugelow

Linda Ugelow

Author, speaker, podcast host, and speaking confidence coach.

Helping business owners, authors, and corporate leaders to go from dread to delight in the limelight!

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    Sure Janet!


    Oh yes, Flora, perfect to be added to the list. In fact I wore one in the house yesterday morning.

  3. Janet

    Now that it is sunnier for longer I try to face the warmth of the sun with my eyes closed…inside and outside as often as possible…and I completely agree about movement and warm, super cozy so they are pleasurable, slippers. All these things help me with a cold spirit as well as a cold body.

    Great suggestions Linda, thanks!

  4. Janet

    Now that it is sunnier for longer I try to face the warmth of the sun with my eyes closed…inside and outside as often as possible…and I completely agree about movement and warm, super cozy so they are pleasurable, slippers. All these things help me with a cold spirit as well as a cold body.

    Great suggestions Linda, thanks!

  5. Lucy

    I have some pairs of microwaveable booties fromHome Goods that I use at home and in my bodywork practice, along with a neck wrap. For a sore low back I may put on a heat patch (cvs or theracare brand) that lasts for many hours. My home and my table at work have heated mattress pad covers, for some preheating; to be turned off to avoid emf exposure….and for those without seat warmers in the car Loke me, I use a microwaved back warmer on my seat…
    Here’s to Spring, stretch, dance and move! Lucy, River Spirit Massage


    Hey Anne!I know that thought of disbelief, I already have on six layers! Treat yourself to a pair of sheepskin lined mocs for the house the kind that come up over the ankle. Keep a hot water bottle on your lap while sitting down with a blanket over your lap down to your feet. Get up regularly to cook, de-clutter and generally move around, especially to music. Let’s see how that goes.

    As in terms of your spirit, I have a motto, when in doubt, gratitudes. You can look around where you are and give appreciation to all you see. But you may also need to go inside. Perhaps forgive yourself your blah crusted mood. And surround yourself with loving kindness to yourself. Hugs!

  7. flora

    Hats go a long way in conserving core temperature, and working against that “hunching inside the jacket with shoulder adnd upper back muscles all bunched up” stance one sees so much. Consider wearing a hat; don’t be macho.

  8. Anne Ellinger

    Hi Linda – In addition to all the great tips you wrote above, I find a big thing for me is to PAY ATTENTION to the signals of my body, and put on more clothes / move around / eat something if I’m cold. It’s so easy to deny the body and think, “I already have on six layers. I can’t be cold.”

    Have any tips for cold toes? I wear wool socks and boots in the house and still they’re cold. Main help is soaking my feet in warm water first, or using those charcoal warmers that skiiers use. Would like other ideas.

    Also, would love to hear your tips on ways to de-contract the spirit. I’ve been in warm(ish) California for six days now, and feel like my blah moody crusted spirit is just beginning to thaw. (Of course, DANCE is one answer — been doing some daily) — Anne

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